Our MISSION continues to ease the journey through Systemic Change, Transition & Transformation with simple tools that include MIT-based DIALOGUE Assumption Checking, Drive Through Coaching Clinics™, Business Table Talk™ placemats, Postcards From Home™ & Napkin Notes™.

Bridging and expanding upon our work in corporate America since 1988 as JWH Training & Consulting, Inc. our global team now focuses on co-creating Meaningful Media that Matters in Mental Health by integrating spirituality and cultural competency into the toolbox.


How do we ease your journey during these times?

Ask us about FRIDAY Team Dialogues that facilitate RE-thinking, RE-alignment & RE-setting:

Service to Leaders, Teams & Organizations: 

FRIDAY Team Dialogue Facilitation is an end of the week Process Check to sort through the complexity of tasks and emotions in a way that leaves the team with clarity, coherence & coordinated action…ready to focus on MONDAY morning. This weekly routine keeps your team ‘defragmented’ and moving forward on the priority agenda while caring for the full diversity of needs.

Virtual on zoom or in person at the worksite.

2020 We make it easier for the business owner with the tool of DIALOGUE assumption checking.

How do we transform fragmented inefficient meetings & conversations in business at this time?

We apply Table Talk Tools™ that ease conversations & engagement In Just a Moment 

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Unfortunately, most forms of organizational conversation, particularly around tough, complex, or challenging issues lapse into debate (the root of which means “to bear down”). In debate, one side wins and the other loses; both parties maintain their certainties, and both suppress deeper inquiry.  Such exchanges do not activate the human capacity for collective intelligence.  Dialogue is a discipline of collective thinking and inquiry, a process for transforming the quality of conversation and, in particular, the thinking that lies beneath it.  — W. Isaacs

We facilitate team meetings with the disciplines of DIALOGUE Assumption Checking.  Participants notice that meetings move from fragmentation, confusion & overwhelming agendas into a more streamlined focus with integrated thinking and forward movement.

Our COMMUNITY Service Projects

Our long-standing VALUES guide our business & community services – Truth. Authenticity. Alignment. Congruency. Compassion. Community. Simplicity. Partnership. Passion. Respect. Results.

World Kindness Day is every day everywhere with the Kindness Ambassador, Holly Myers and our Partner Across Borders, Hilary Van Welter from CANADA. Inviting business leaders to expand our impact in spreading KINDNESS in your community, across our nation & around the world. Your donation of $200 to our non-profit partners supplies you with 250 postcards that you may donate to your local school or college, veterans’ organization, community event, first responder outreach, religious institution or non-profit mission of your choice.

Postcards From Home™ expand the outreach impact for our non-profit partners.

Learn more about our community service projects.