Listen to Chapters 1 & 2.
N.O. Spells No. Y.E.S. Spells Yes. Maybe So? It’s Got to Go.
As simple as this book is it is also very deep. Very thought provoking. Absolutely sure the time is now for this book.
Deborah Kroeger, Senior Director, Global Talent Acquisition at LEO Pharma

Business leaders meet to discuss the value of saying NO & YES.
Their resounding message is: This book has to start in the schools with children of all ages.
Left to right: Spencer Scott, Chief Development Officer, Newark Public Library; Donna Price, Strategic Business & Marketing Expert; Jack Valenza, President, Valmato Construction Inc.; Janet Werner, President, U Have My Word LLC; Shalini Jetli, IBM Professional Coaching Services; Joseph Vitulli, Principal, Executive Confidants; Rocco Ameduri, MBA, Accounting Professional.
Please watch the videos and let’s talk about it.
By: Janet Werner
Product details:
• Paperback: 82 pages
• Publisher: Marriah Publishing (October 4, 2018)
• Language: English
• Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
Teaching tools available from Janet Werner. ([email protected])
You have a gem here. Your book, has the same potential to take the market by storm as The One-Minute Manager. It’s a quick read with a broad appeal that, packaged correctly, can flood airports and bookstores as well as the Internet.
I think your endeavor captures the best of the writing of my colleagues: the brevity and poignancy of Blanchard and the intimacy of Canfield. Both of those factors seem to sell these days.
Doris Shellcross, Ed.D. Author, Teaching Creative Behavior
This simply written book prompts the power of conscious choice in an entertaining, quick read style by applying two of the most powerful words in human language: NO and YES. Through these universal words, readers emotively explore voices in all areas of their lives including those of authority, our children, the media, our peers, our parents, our teachers, our government and our religion. This book spans all generations of readers and appeals to a diversity of cultures. The youthful, poetic presentation quickly touches the reader emotionally and psychologically to inspire the quest to speak individual truth while integrating the wisdom of others.
The language of NO and YES illuminates the core essence of personal choice with ownership in just saying NO and the full joy in saying YES. Clarity prompts us to get off the fence with I don’t know, maybe so. When we say YES to our dreams, to our ideals and to our intentions based on our purpose the NO is a strong boundary that sets protection for our YES like guard rails on our life track. These guardrails of NO in alignment with purpose establish a reliable habit of respectful and assertive action to protect our investments.
Saying NO and YES appropriately impacts our effectiveness at home, at work and throughout our engagement within society. It evokes letting go of old habits while simultaneously instilling new habits. It invites discovering inner truth by discerning and articulating your own voice to the world. This is not an intellectual discussion on the importance of NO and YES, but an actual journey to personal efficacy through the act of reading and speaking the words NO and YES themselves.
What our readers are saying:
Janet’s writing is brilliant and thought provoking, while fun and entertaining for young and old. Likely to have a similar impact as Antoine de Saint Exupery’s, The Little Prince.
Steven Feldstein, Owner, Feldstein Financial Group LLC
Wow, I read through it and thought it was good. You communicate it from your perspective, which makes it less pedantic and more real. The simplicity of the message slows down the pace and provokes thoughts.
Robert Entin, Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Vornado Realty Trust
Your book is thought provoking. I love it.
Dr. Dehlly Porras, EdD, Mathematics Professor, Education Consultant
Interesting book concept: ‘No means No’ and ‘Yes means Yes’. This has many personal, professional, social and cultural applications.
Spencer Scott, Chief Development Officer, The Newark Public Library
I LOVE it! It so resonates with me and I see how these two simple words have and had such an impact on the experiences in my life. One aspect speaks to the unhealthy relationships as well. I think your message will hit home for everyone who reads your book!
Diane Simovich, Founder & President, BW NICE, Business Women Networking Involving Charity & Education.
The first book, N.O., is the most important foundation message for the series…In an age when positive thoughts and feelings are often the strongest desire, the most maligned terms in the English language has become NO. This book unleashes a refreshingly new paradox that can help a person of any age embrace genuine authenticity and powerful meaning in their lives.
Eric Balinski, Author, Value Based Marketing for Bottom-Line Success. President, Synection, Inc.
What a simple and yet powerful concept with just three words used in an informed way that can change the entire perspective of the conversation. An authentic differentiation between “Yes,” “No,” and “Maybe so,” can clear confusion and expedite decision making process. This book not only makes you understand but also provides you with a starting point on how, where and when to start using them.
Tabassum Manikam, Senior Project Manager
I read your book and find your use of youthful prose targeting us big kids both attention grabbing and compelling :). I read it straight through, which may or may not be your intent, so understanding my particular reading experience, I did find myself tuning out early in the Maybe portion……which I believe is really the most important part, if I am understanding correctly? Having said that, I did very much like that you provided exercises that are simple, self-explanatory and lead the consumer to tangible insights immediately.
Joe Hudicka, Productive Play Pro, Fizzee Labs, LLC
COMING SOON in 2021: Children’s version.
I like it. It’s fun. Taught me a lesson to say no to what I don’t want. I like YES the best. I was saying YESSSSS in my head and it did make me happy. Maybe So feels confusing to me. Maryandra Pipitone, (When she was 13 years old)
I love the Dr. Seuss type feel of this book. It lends to the simplicity of what you’re trying to convey, and I can see it being used by counselors in their sessions for clients of all ages. As usual, obtaining the knowledge and applying the knowledge are two different things, but you’ve found a way to make your point in a fun and refreshing book. I’m a fan.
Debbie Houlihan, Mom & Grandmother