Week of RESPECT NJ Schools October 2021
Calvary Academy teachers apply RESPECT tools for students in PreK to 5th grade.
WE have RESPECT tools for your schools. Simple. EZ to integrate into any lesson. Kids of all ages love them.
Inviting business sponsors to fund these tools into youth organizations & schools in your community. Donations can be made directly to our non-profit organization. Email me today: [email protected]
“I would like to work with teens who have been brought up with these tools since they were in elementary school. It would be easier to work with them if they had this background early on.”
~School Resource Police Officer, Marlboro, NJ.
RESPECT for ALL NYC Schools is in February.
We expand the conversation to rethink how we think about mental health, bullying, abuse & violence around the table by offering our Table Talk Tools that ease forward movement on the values of respect, caring, honesty, integrity, responsibility and, of course, N.O. Spells No. Y.E.S. Spells Yes. Maybe So? It’s Got to Go.
Table Talk Tools™
are based on neuroscience and Columbia University research that documents positive healthy results
when families eat & engage in quality conversations together.
Our intention is to start local and go global.
We bring Table Talk Tools™
to schools & youth organizations, business lunch meetings, college student cafeterias and everywhere a “family” gathers to eat together.
Table Talk Tools™ include:
- downloadable placemats
- downloadable construction cubes
- downloadable stickers
- Napkin Notes™

I use the respect placemats in gym class to give our teens a tool that helps them resolve conflict and establish healthy relationships on their own.” Calvary Academy.

Freehold Regional Schools K-5th Grades
Character development through arts & humanities programming in K-5th Grades YMCA After School Care.
“If we could teach these character tools beginning at a young age & all the way through adulthood maybe we wouldn’t have the tragedies that we see.”
~Applegate Elementary School, Freehold, NJ. YMCA Staff Member & Mom.
Our Family Table Talk Placemats were used in an afterschool YMCA program with children in K-5th grade. The older children read the content to the younger children. They decorated their placemats with writing, drawing & stickers while they talked out loud with each other. “I want to be caring at home. I want to be honest with you. I am responsible to help at school. I have respect for you.”

Hands In 4 Youth www.hi4y.org
Respect for All Week in NYC public schools February 11 – 15, 2019.
We provide the Character Tool Kit & teacher training to the NYC Afterschool staff.

There is really a need for character training at this time & napkin notes are a good platform, easy to use. Core curriculums require that children have unstructured social interaction time. Biggest challenge for teachers is fitting in character development in an already overloaded curriculum. Teachers can use napkin notes in conversations at teachable moments. Bill George