How might a “MAIL Moment” in anyone’s day impact mental health? Let’s think about that. Did you know that the “Mail Moment” is real and offers research-based value from the USPS that we can apply at this unique time of hunger for personal connection & meaning in our day?
Did you know that snail mail evokes emotion?
· 67% feel mail is more personal than the Internet.
· 56% say receiving mail is a real pleasure.
Now imagine your employees engaging in their “MAIL Moment” this week and feeling a pleasurable personal message from you in a Postcard From Home™. How might these simple caring messages improve morale and retention at a low cost? What if you hosted a postcard mailing party and positioned your employees to gather on a Friday afternoon in person or virtually with postcards, stamps & mailing labels in hand and they mailed these positive energy cards to clients, sponsors or even to each other? How might that energize employee engagement and establish esprit de corps?

Postcards From Home™ are simple tools with simple messages that are easy to send to anyone anywhere which includes volunteers, family members, community outreach, clients, and supporters. Simple words that are visual on a card shared in the mail, at the dinner table, in a lunch box, on a zoom meeting and even digitally on an email or text can warm the heart & soul and even spark a meaningful conversation. Kids of all ages love Postcards From Home™ too.

We make it easy for people to connect with each other through the mail and in digital format in
this disconnected world and fulfill the desire for greater engagement in just a moment. USPS knows that physical mail triggers activity in the brain that corresponds with value and desirability. Did you know that USPS research also found that by using a combination of digital & snail mail engagement increases? What if you mailed a Postcard From Home™ after sending a text or email with the same image?
If you would like to trigger some brain activity on positive values and action steps that move us forward contact the author: [email protected] to purchase your supply of postcards. Donations can be made directly to our non-profit organizations that we support. Together we can use these cards to co-create Miles & Miles of Peace & Smiles™ at work, at home, in our communities and throughout our nation. You may see our collection at Postcards From Home™ – U Have My WORD