It’s time to Rethink How We Think About Mental Health.
Mental health has come out of the closet as a mainstream conversation especially since the 2020 Covid-19 shared experience of isolation, anxiety, loss, uncertainty and continuous change in many aspects at home, at work and in our community engagement. Given the extent of stress, challenge, shock and at times trauma that we faced recently and perhaps continue to face we need to keep things SIMPLE…especially when it comes to addressing mental health.
The team at U Have My Word LLC offers our time-tested toolbox that positively impacts mental health and wellness. We have applied this toolbox with thousands of business leaders and their employees and their families and in their communities.
- Facilitated MIT-based DIALOGUES that integrate the business agenda with emotionally authentic & meaningful conversations.
- System transformation consultation that evolves the organizational culture, employee wellness & productivity.
- A time-tested toolbox that simplifies & streamlines professional effectiveness & behavior change right at the workstation.
- NEW in 2024: Equine Assisted Leadership Team Building facilitated by experienced corporate consultants & Egala certified professional therapists along with these amazing horses.
We customize a process that aligns with your organization.

Equine Assisted Leadership Team Building
Currently available in New Jersey only.
Table Talk placemats & Napkin Notes™ are our signature tools that ease difficult conversations and elevate engagement to a higher level resulting in clarity, coherence and coordinated action.
Experienced Facilitators apply MIT-based structured DIALOGUE Assumption Checking disciplines, Non-violent Communication (NVC) best practices and storytelling to position any work team, family or community group to engage in a Safe Space conversation that is honoring, respectful and productive with clear action steps at the end.
Drive Through Coaching Clinics™ provide laser focused practical coaching for managers & frontline workers.
Mental health In Just a MAIL Moment™
with Postcards That Start Dialogue™
PTSD HELP is here!
P: Postcards
T: That
S: Spark
D: Dialogue™

“Today, yesterday, last month, and the previous year has been challenging. It has been isolating. It is uncomfortable for us to talk and reach out for help. Until now. I was so happy to get this post card in the mail. It encouraged me to keep going. Breath through this. Know that someone somewhere cares.” Meaghan O’Leary. Helping companies increase safety by preventing violence in the workplace. Dirigo Safety, LLC.
We all have experienced some form of post traumatic stress in our lives at some point & statistics show Pandemic-fueled trauma is rising. PTSD is no longer reserved for our military soldiers. We also know that PTSD is a significant concern for our first responders & now the conversation is opening on PTSD in our work environment. It’s uncomfortable for most of us to get the conversation started in a meaningful way so the healing can proceed. Postcards That Start Dialogue™ ease the conversation in a simple way.
Simple words that are visual on a card shared in the mail, at the dinner table, in a lunch box, on a zoom meeting can open the heart & soul so the mind feels safe & will cooperate into a meaningful conversation.

College Student Mental Health is a Priority
Did you know?
There is a decline in Mental Health Seen in College Students Returning to Campus. MONDAY, Aug. 9, 2021 (HealthDay News) — There are rising rates of anxiety, depression, burnout, and the use of unhealthy coping mechanisms among college students, according to surveys conducted by The Ohio State University. Decline in Mental Health Seen in College Students Returning to Campus | Physician’s Weekly (physiciansweekly.com)
What do we offer?
We start simple by adding our Postcards From Home™ campaign. Research documents that by mailing Caring Cards within an integrated mental health service mental health increases & suicides are reduced.

WE use the power of the MAIL Moment!
What if Postcards From Home™ were found in student mailboxes on & off campus during exam time? What if the college student center provided FREE cards & stamps for students to mail home to their friends & family? What if we provided student activity groups supplies of cards to engage in their own community outreach program supporting first responders in their communities? How might that make an impact on mental health for everyone?

Table Talk™ placemats & Napkin Notes™
…in the cafeteria or at the counseling center make the conversations easier as students doodle as they think and chat.
We keep the conversation moving forward with efficacy by applying MIT-based DIALOGUE Assumption Checking Disciplines that establish a safe container on the challenging agenda of mental health.

NEW in 2024
Online webinars offering research-based orientations, training & coaching on de-escalation & care.
Are We Aware of Religious & spiritual Experiences in a Mental Health Crisis?
Did you know that…
…religious & spiritual experiences are real in mental health crisis & noted in the DSM IV (as of 1994) & DSM V (2013)?
…the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) includes a V code entitled “Religious or Spiritual Problem” V62.89 and that spiritual competency & attention should be included in therapeutic care when these behaviors are presented?
…people around the world are being misdiagnosed, forced on meds & locked up in hospitals while having a religious or spiritual experience that requires a different protocol.