We are a team of experienced change leadership professionals who provide expert facilitation, coaching and training for teams and organizations in a way that streamlines the application of key learnings into workplace systems improvement, professional development, and behavior change.

NEW in 2024
Equine Assisted Leadership Team Building
Available in NJ only at this time.
Why horses?
Horses are prey animals, which means they are on constant alert for predators to ensure the safety of their herd. Horses are intuitive beings that can pick up on subtle energy shifts within a human’s nervous system. Horses have autonomy throughout the team building exercises and they decide how they want to interact with the team members. This creates an opportunity for group participants to bring awareness into the energy they are bringing into the arena and how it impacts those around them.
Human teams have a lot to learn from horses. Do you want to improve the communication among team members? Would they be more productive if you enhanced their creative thinking and problem solving? Have their relationships grown so they truly trust each other? With the help of horses, we engage in metaphorical work and experiential learning that applies directly to the workplace.
One of the great things about this up-close-and-personal experience with horses is that, as very sensitive gentle giants, what we learn from them comes in surprising and really fun ways!
An example of our 1 day offering:
This 1 day includes a pre-meeting needs analysis of business issues & opportunities and a post meeting summary of feedback, process check workplace applications, identification of follow-up individual coaching, team development and organizational strategic support.
- Clarity on priority business issues is obtained through pre-meeting needs analysis.
- Application to the workplace and accountability to produce results is obtained through a follow-up consultation after the session.
Morning session: facilitated by Eagala certified professionals: Sara, Brooke, Major Paffendorf.
Orientation with the horses followed by a team experience i.e. “build a corral”, feedback & processing of the experience.
- Participants are led through dynamic exercises which push participants out of their comfort zone and encourage a sense of curiosity and connection with our equine partners.
- In one team building exercise, participants are invited to build a structure with a series of provided items (including hula hoops, PVC pipes, cones, etc). Once the structure is created by the group, the participants are then asked to lead the horses into the structure without any lead line (basically a “leash” for a horse). This exercise promotes effective communication, cooperation, creativity, team building and intuitive thinking. The horses respond based on the energy of the group and provide real-time feedback to the group members. Time is provided to discuss the group process of deciding how to create the structure and the impact of each participant’s interaction with the horses.
- Mindfulness with horses: We end our team building/leadership development retreat with a guided mindfulness exercise. Through this mindfulness practice, participants are invited to connect with their senses as they step into the present moment with the horses.
Afternoon session: facilitated by experienced corporate consultants: Janet Werner, John Griffith
The afternoon is customized based on the pre-meeting needs analysis & adjusted based on the morning experience. We apply the learnings to real work issues. Training & learning content might include effective communications, team interaction, strategic thinking, self-assessments.
- Bridge from the morning feedback & processing with self-reflection & applications to the workplace.
- Meeting facilitation on real business issues & opportunities. What are the burning issues, challenges that are costing time, money, relationships, retention? What are the opportunities for business growth & improvement that we are not fully addressing/investing in?
- End the day with clarity on individual leadership professional development focus, business issues & opportunity solution notes for team meetings back at the work site, agreements/expectations contracts on continuous improvement behaviors/disciplines.
John Griffith, Executive Coach & Founder Griffith Training Associates.
Janet Werner, Change Management Consultant, President U Have My Word LLC.
Sara Valez, LCSW & Brooke Lichter LCSW. EAGALA certified. Owners & Founders of Operation Hope.
Major George W. Paffendorf, U.S. Army, Retired. EAGALA & PATH certified.
What we do:
- Expedite team efficacy & coordinated action with Dialogue Assumption Checking Disciplines.
- Accelerate learning in training programs with Table Talk Tools™.
- Streamline coaching to behavior change & performance with My Desk Top Coach™.
- Facilitate meetings on challenging & sensitive topics while moving into action with Triple Track Thinking™.
- Multiply organizational learning with our systems approach.
- Integrate mental health & wellness with Drive Through Coaching Clinics™.
Our organizational development, team building, coaching and training services expedite results, minimize learning time and reduce costs with our microlearning toolbox that includes
Business Table Talk Napkin Notes™, Postcards From Home™ & Triple Track Thinking™
“I just started applying Triple Track to my team meetings and I have already eliminated one hour of labor intensive conversation.”
“This is especially helpful to refocus me on a Monday morning or after returning from a business trip. The current, next and future agenda items present the total picture in an easy format for me to focus.
“After 2 weeks vacation one of the tools which helped me through the week was my Triple Track plan. With all of the emails, voicemails, the TT was really useful in focusing on the real important stuff.”
“If we used dialogue in the beginning of our team process back at AT&T, we could have saved months of meetings getting to a shared understanding.”
“Using dialogue, I find there is no need to take notes. The significant points are integrated, known and acted upon.”
You are welcome to download our signature tool called STOP. Pause. Print copies for a meeting or training program. Bring scissors and tape. Invite employees to cut out and assemble their own simple reminder to STOP. Pause and pay attention to what is important.
We are being sought after to assist organizations in navigating the complex CHANGE agenda which includes facilitating healthy conversations on the sensitive topics of DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION.
We are often called in to improve communications, resolve conflict & expedite work process efficiencies within and between departments. Over time we establish best practices & professional disciplines that lead to improved individual, team & organizational results. It is common for us to partner with an organization over the long term to position for growth & continuous improvement. Learn More
Table Talk Tools™ ease conversations & engagement
In Just a Moment™

Napkin Notes™ make me want to pick up a pen & write. I’m just wondering…”What do I really really CARE about?”

Customized Training & facilitation services
- MIT-based DIALOGUE Facilitation
- Mental Health at Work & Home
- Work Process Improvement
- Conflict Resolution
- Collaborative Relationship Building
- New Manager & New Supervisor Training
- Problem Solving Skills
- Decision Making Skills
- Communications Skills
- Meeting Management Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Performance Management Systems
- Succession Planning
- Train-the-Trainer
- Business Plan & Strategic Plan Development